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联席会长 — 欧晓昆* 欧教授任教于云南大学,是联合国教科文组织生态技术课题的教授。同时他还担任云南大学生态与环境学院院长一职。他是植物群落生态分类方面的专家,特别是在“干热河谷”生态系统方面卓有建树,他就此发表过专著和大量的论文。欧教授长期致力于对云南省濒危物种生态保护工作。他是中国生物多样化保护项目的主要支持者。同时,他还帮助建立了中国物种保护组织,该机构是在香港注册的一个公益组织,与中国生物多样化组织合作且扮演着东西方合作桥梁的重要角色。 Co-President - Ou Xiaokun * Professor Ou is the UNESCO Cousteau Ecotechnie Professor, Yunnan University. He is also Director of the university's Institute of Ecology and Geobotany. He is an expert in the ecological classification of vegetation communities, particularly the ecosystem known as the "dry-hot valley," a subject on which he has published a major study, as well as numerous papers. He has long been dedicated to conservation of the ecosystems he sees threatened in Yunnan province. Professor Ou has been the single most important supporter in China of BDC's efforts. He has also helped found China-Conservancy, a Hong Kong registered charitable society which works in partnership with BDC in China and serves as an intermediary between East and West.

联席会长-- 哈迪·怀廷(Hardy Wieting)* 普林斯顿大学博士、耶鲁大学法学博士、斯坦福大学文学学士 学者、律师。怀廷博士开始从事公益事业是受其友人简金斯博士的启发。他学习了关于分类法和计算机方面的知识,并负责传播和管理新型物种保护法的网络中心,因此他也是自然遗产项目网络的创始人之一,该网络也是由美国州政府扶植的独立运营机构。它涉及到许多方面,其中不但包括法律及商业技能、创新融资,还有建立有效的培训项目、企业/网络管理、与政府部门的广泛合作以及不断更新系统设计。怀廷博士长期致力于生物多样化保护组织在亚洲地区的项目开展。同时他也参与将生物多样化运用于抗癌药物研发的项目。 Co-President - Hardy Wieting, Jr * Philosopher and lawyer by training, Dr. Wieting found the public interest career he was looking for when Dr. Jenkins asked him to learn about such things as taxonomy and computers and also to propagate and manage a network of centers employing new conservation methodology. Accordingly, he was one of the principal creators of the network of Natural Heritage Programs/CDCs, now an independent entity rooted in local government and NGO's. This involved contractual and business skills, innovative financing, training programs, enterprise/network management, extensive cooperation with governmental agencies, and system design. Dr. Wieting has been leading BDC's efforts in Asia. He has also undertaken projects based on the potential of biodiversity to produce anticancer medicines. Ph.D. Princeton, J.D. Yale, B.A. Stanford

地球信息系统协调员 张志明 * 张志明是云南大学生态和地理植物学学院的副教授,同时也是云南自然遗产保护决策中心在地球信息系统和遥感方面的专家。他曾就读于比利时根特大学并获得博士学位,不过他的研究工作是在云南开展的。他的足迹遍布全省并通过运用地理信息系统软件收集分析数据。他为数据库的建立贡献了大量的数据并负责地球信息系统的协调工作。 GIS Coordinator - Zhang Zhiming * Ming, as he is known, is Professor at Yunnan University's Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, as well as YN-NHCDC's guru for Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing. His Ph.D. is from the University of Ghent in Belgium, but his research was conducted in Yunnan, where he laid out numerous plots in both the north and the south of the province and collected data for analysis using ArcGIS. He has been a contributor of data to the database as well as coordinator of GIS activities.

云南自然遗产保护决策中心 联席主任 彭盛菁 * 彭盛菁-英文名Samantha,自云南自然遗产保护决策中心筹备之初就开始为该机构效力,其时她大学刚毕业,主修生态学。她是土生土长的昆明人,昆明市是中国西南地区云南省的省会城市。现在她不但是比利时根特大学的在读博士,也是云南自然遗产保护决策中心的主任之一。为云南自然遗产保护决策中心招募大学毕业应届生、扩大云南省生物多样化数据库,并管理新人的工作是彭在昆明的主要工作内容之一。 Co-Director, Yunnan Natural Heritage Conservation Decision Center - Peng Shengjing * Peng Shengjing, whose English name is Samantha, has been working with YN-NHCDC since plans were first being drafted and she was a new graduate student in ecology. A native of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, she is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Ghent as well as the Co-Director of YN-NHCDC. One of her main tasks in Kunming is to enlist the aid of graduate students in ecology in populating the YN-NHCDC database on Yunnan's biodiversity and to supervise their work.

云南自然遗产保护决策中心 联席主任 云南大学博士 孙振华 * 孙振华,英文名 Ted,从很早以前就开始于云南自然遗产保护决策中心一起工作,其时他还是云南大学生态专业的博士研究生。由于他在计算机和软件运用方面的专长,他还帮忙将英文版的网站内容和数据项译成中文。孙博士是数据统计分析方面的专家,在对海量数据的汇编尤其擅长。除了负责在云南自然遗产保护决策中心的工作外,他还在云南西双版纳热带植物研究所从事项目研究。 Co-Director, Yunnan Natural Heritage Conservation Decision Center - Sun Zhenhua * Sun Zhenhua, whose English name is Ted, has been working with YN-NHCDC since early days, most of that time while pursuing his Ph.D. in ecology at Yunnan University. Thoroughly versed in the ways of modern computers and software, he has also helped provide translations of field names and data items into Chinese. Dr. Sun is an expert in techniques of statistical analysis, highly useful with the immense amount of data that has already been compiled and which will continue to expand. In addition to his position with YN-NHCDC, he now holds a research position at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden. Ph.D. Yunnan University

主席 哈佛大学 博士, 罗格斯大学 学士 鲍勃·简金斯 * 简金斯博士在担任自然保护组织首席科学家时策划并发起了首个自然遗产项目。他是该组织的主要缔造者,负责领导运营程序团队,通过运用标准化方法论将所有自然遗产决策/数据中心联网。运营程序团队开发了自然遗产保护网络的逻辑概念、数据架构、对其规定和所运用的软件进行了归档。他在很多地方做过生物多样化课题的讲座,并撰写过大量的此领域的文章。哈佛大学教授、《生命的多样化》的作者、全球生物多样化保护的知名作家爱德华·奥斯本·威尔逊称简金斯为“生态保护科学方面伟大的无名英雄”。 Chairman - Bob Jenkins * Dr. Jenkins designed and launched the first State Natural Heritage Program while serving as Chief Scientist of The Nature Conservancy. He is the principal architect, heading the Operating Procedures Group, of the standard methodology that unites all heritage decision/data centers. OPG developed the network's logical concepts, data structures, filing conventions and software. He's lectured widely on biodiversity matters and authored numerous papers. ~ Prof. E.O.Wilson of Harvard, author of The Diversity of Life and the world's leading writer about conservation of biodiversity, has called "Bob Jenkins, one of the great unsung heroes of conservation science." Ph.D. Harvard, B.S. Rutgers.    Here is our song to this hero.

软件专家 基斯·卡尔 * 基斯根据自然遗产保护决策中心的需要提供相应的软件并负责监测软件的安装和调试。有了他的专业支持,自然遗产决策中心的同事才得以轻松掌握系统的运用。他已经为自然遗产保护法提供了数代主要系统的更新,并且为亚洲地区的系统建设提供了有力支持。 Software Guru - Keith Carr * Keith's contribution has been to understand what the NHCDC wants to do, then to find the right software, and then to oversee implementation and testing. His ability to make things clear to co-workers who lack his grasp of system details is remarkable. He has done this through several key generations of Natural Heritage methodology and is the guiding light behind building systems useful for Asia.
媒体顾问 劳拉·格蕾丝·齐普勒 * 劳拉现在是大纽约地区老韦斯特伯雷学院媒体与交流学院的访问学者。她毕业于巴特学院,对中国及其文化非常熟悉,曾经在昆明任教。她游历过云南和中国的很多地区。如今,她还负责几个有关中国的媒体项目的制作。 Media Consultant - Laura Grace Chipley * Laura is currently Visiting Professor in the Media and Communications Dept of Old Westbury College, Greater New York City Area. A graduate of Bard College, she is familiar with China, having taught in Kunming and travelled extensively in Yunnan and other parts of China. She is at present at work on several China media projects.

乌兹别克斯坦自然遗产保护决策中心 负责人 阿齐兹·巴西洛夫 * 阿齐兹在为自然遗产保护决策中心工作之初,负责了大量的系统翻译工作,将整个系统译为俄语,其中包括系统版本及协议,其原文为英语。该系统后来还有西班牙语版和中文版。乌兹别克斯坦是从前苏联独立出来的国家,俄语是其科技通用语。阿齐兹在为建立乌兹别克斯坦自然保护决策中心做出了巨大的贡献,其中包括初期的数据收集。不过决策中心还需要足够的资金支持,将其从初步项目阶段向全面参与的网络机构转型。 Uzbekistan NHCDC Facilitator - Aziz Bashirov * Aziz started by successfully taking on the very substantial job of translating a system, including formats and protocols, which originated in English, which was then implemented through considerable effort in Spanish, and for which a new version had been produced using Chinese -- translating this entire system into Russian. Russian is the language of the scientific community in Uzbekistan, one of the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. He has done a remarkable job of laying the groundwork for the UZ-NHCDC, including initial data-gathering, though the decision center still awaits funding to move from a proto-program phase into a fully-participating network unit.

生物多样化保护组织合作伙伴 BDC Partnerships

中国 欧教授和香港科技大学的保罗·福斯特教授将生物多样化保护组织引荐给中国大自然保护协会,该协会是在香港注册的公益组织,它不只服务于香港本地,也为中国大陆地区提供相应的协助。香港城市大学的单保罗教授和林保罗教授以及香港大学的吴周南教授为中国大自然保护协会提供了极大的帮助。 BDC has joined with Professor Ou and Professor Paul Forster of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to form China-Conservancy (C-C), a registered charitable society in Hong Kong (Ref.CP/LIC/SO/19/36172), not only to work in Hong Kong but primarily to assist in the work on the Chinese mainland. Professors Paul Shin and Paul Lam of City University, Hong Kong, and Professor Chonam Ng of the University of Hong Kong have rendered great assistance to C-C.

中国大自然保护协会为香港的学生提供暑期到云南实习的机会,建设生物保护数据库。它同时也在筹款和促进与当地及来自世界其他地区的环保人士、学术机构、政府部门和其他保护组织的合作。 C-C has provided summer students from Hong Kong to work on the database in Yunnan. It also helps with fundraising and facilitates relationships with the local conservationists as well as those in other parts of the world, in academia, in government, and in other conservation organizations.

除了与中国大自然保护协会的官方合作之外,生物多样化保护组织在与其它机构的合作中也获益匪浅。其中以云南大学生态与地球植物学学院为最,该学院是云南省主要生态保护机构之一。因中国著名科学家吴征镒而闻名于世、中国最大的植物标本馆之一的昆明植物研究所,为在云南自然遗产保护决策中心工作的学生们提供了许多宝贵的数据,并且教他们如何获取数据。周哲阚(音译)博士为两个机构之间的合作作出了卓越贡献。西双版纳热带植物园是另一个云南省主要的植物及生态研究机构,为云南自然遗产保护决策中心提供了有力支持。 In addition to the formal partnership embodied in C-C, BDC has benefited from working relationships with other institutions. Foremost among these is the Institute of Ecology & Geobotany, Yunnan University, one of the key ecological conservation units in the province. Kunming Institute of Botany, one of the largest herbariums in China, made famous by one of China's most well-known scientists, Wu Zhengyi, has generously provided data to graduate students working on YN-NHCDC and taught them how access it. Dr. Zhou Zhekan has contributed much to this working relationship. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden is another major botanical and ecological institution within the province which has provided assistance to YN-NHCDC.

联系我们 Uzbekistan. 乌兹别克斯坦 生物多样化保护组织与乌兹别克斯坦植物研究所联手成立了中亚合作项目。该项目的主要目标是建立乌兹别克斯坦的自然遗产保护决策中心,将生物多样化保护组织创建并已经译成俄语的软件平台及其现有的培训和管理技术投入到使用当中。 BDC has joined with the Uzbekistan Institute of Botany to create the Central Asian Partnership (CAP). The goal of CAP is to establish the Uzbekistan Natural Heritage Conservation Decision Center, utilizing both the software BDC has created and translated and the training and management techniques in which BDC is experienced.

联系我们 Contact Us

您可以通过电子邮件与我们联系,我们总部的邮件地址是:[email protected]。我们很乐意解答您的疑问并为您提供本网站以外的相关信息。此外,我们也愿意帮您与您所在省份的合作伙伴取得联系。生物多样化保护组织在中国的地址是:中国云南省昆明市云南大学西院 7 栋 2 号, 生物多样化保护组织, 邮政编码:650091 Initial contact is by email to [email protected], BDC's central email address. We can then put you in touch with the local partner office in your state/province. BDC's main mailing address in China is BDC/BDI, Yunnan Da Xue, Xi Yuan 7-02, Kunming, Yunnan Province, 650091 China.

生物多样化保护组织向所有捐款人承诺会尽可能将成本降至最低,这其中不但包括在将其保护体系引进亚洲地区时使用相应的技术,还有节约机构开支:生物多样化保护组织在各省的办事处通过与当地的自然遗产项目或自然遗产保护数据中心的专业人士们合作,进行项目开展。 BDC maximizes grants from donors by an exceptionally strong effort to keep costs at an absolute minimum. This includes the use of "appropriate technology" in propagating its conservation systems to Asia, but it also includes organizational economies which greatly reduce overhead: BDC's state/provincial offices are partnerships with individuals who have worked for the in-state or in-province Natural Heritage Program/Conservation Data Centre.

生物多样化保护组织顾问委员会 BDC's Advisory Board

唐纳德·里夫·尼克森是顾问委员会主席,他毕业于沃顿商学院,获MBA学位。他曾经服务于世界自然基金会,也曾为国际关怀组织(CARE)工作,帮助在拉美地区的不发达国家建立了妇女健康诊所,并担任中亚小型企业基金组织的中亚地区总监。他在扶植企业方面有着无比丰富的经验。保罗·福斯特博士 (毕业于加州大学圣巴巴拉分校)是香港理工大学的教授,也是中国大自然保护协会的负责人之一。厄内斯特·钟博士(毕业于加州理工学院,也曾就读加州大学洛杉矶分校,获MBA学位)就职于雪佛龙公司,是一家管理咨询公司的合伙人并曾为加州某公园提供救助。保罗·盛博士(爱尔兰)香港城市大学生物学副教授。乔治·芬维克博士(毕业于约翰霍普金斯大学)曾是美国鸟类保护协会的会长,也曾担任马里兰州自然遗产保护决策中心的总监,并在美国鸟类保护协会成立之前曾任自然保护协会的副主席。玛丽·艾伦·康奈尔 学士(史密斯学院)哲学硕士(堪萨斯大学)是专业的国外政治分析员,并与美国和平护卫队一同工作过。阿历克斯·S·温特 硕士(乔治华盛顿大学)职业作家,曾主修国际政治。 Chairman is Donald Reeve Nicholson, II, M.B.A.(The Wharton School). He has served on the board of World Wildlife Fund, has worked for CARE, established women's health clinics in LDC's all over Latin America, and been Central Asia Regional Director of Central Asia Small Enterprise Fund. Unmatched experience in building enterprises. Paul Forster, Ph.D. (UC Santa Barbara) is professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a director of China-Conservancy; Ernest Chung, Ph.D. (California Institute of Technology), M.B.A, (UCLA), has worked for Chevron, been a partner in a management consulting firm, and helped save a California park; Paul Shin, Ph.D. (Ireland) is Associate Professor of Biology at City University, Hong Kong; Robert Chipley, Ph.D. (Cornell) served as Chief Ornithologist and Manager, Natural Heritage Programs, The Nature Conservancy; George Fenwick, Ph.D.(Johns Hopkins) is President of the American Bird Conservancy; he served as Director of the Maryland NHCDC and was a Vice President at The Nature Conservancy before founding ABC; Mary Ellen Connell, B.A. (Smith), M.Phil (Kansas), is a career foreign policy analyst who also worked with the Peace Corps; Alex S. Winter, M.A. (George Washington) is a published author with a background in international politics.
吴周南 博士(兰卡斯特)香港大学是中国极有影响力的环保主义者,他曾任香港自然保护协会的会长。韩连朝(音译)法学博士(北京大学)、法学硕士(耶鲁大学)、博士(乔治曼森大学)作为三位议员(科罗拉多州议员汉克·布朗、明尼苏达州议员罗德·格莱姆斯和新罕布什尔州议员裘德·格雷格)的助理在国会山工作。金肃居(音译)来自韩国首尔,法学博士(哈佛大学),在亚洲许多国家工作过,并为新兴机构提供顾问服务。梅尔·增田(音译)法学博士(耶鲁大学)公共管理硕士(哈佛大学)是夏威夷太平洋大学的教授,并是加强东西方联系的倡导者。黛安娜·丹尼尔斯 法学博士(加州大学伯克利分校)曾任华盛顿邮报的法务总顾问。安德鲁·威尔布 MBA(美国雷鸟全球管理学院)是圣地亚哥奇点(Merepoint)资本管理有限责任公司的联合创始人和管理者。路德维西·布林克曼 硕士(汉堡大学)是“探索云南”网站www.yunnanexplorer.com的创始人,也是云南省少数民族文化的探寻者。菲利普·斯克汉 博士(耶鲁大学)安德斯药业的学术总监,在对天然原料进行筛选以运用到抗癌药物中作出巨大贡献。本·布朗 博士(德克萨斯农工大学)是牧场经济学家并曾担任德克萨斯自然遗产项目的总监。 Chonam Ng, Ph.D. (Lancaster) of the University of Hong Kong is one of the leading conservationists in China, where he served as Chairman of the HK Conservancy Association; Jane C. Blair, MEd. (American) has taught history, served on the boards of numerous NGOs, and is a self-described China enthusiast; Lianchao Han, J.D. (Beijing), LL.M (Yale), Ph.D. (George Mason) has worked on Capitol Hill as an aide to three Senators, Hank Brown of Colorado, Rod Gramms of Minnesota, and Judd Gregg of New Hampshire; Sukjo Kim of Seoul, Korea, J.D.(Harvard), has worked throughout Asia and advises start-up organizations; Mel Masuda, , J.D.(Yale) M.P.A (Harvard), Professor at Hawaii Pacific University and promoter of relationships between East and West; Diana Daniels, J.D.(Berkeley), is former General Counsel of the Washington Post; Andrew Wilbur, M.B.A. (Thunderbird, American School of International Management) co-founded and serves as Managing Member of Merepoint Capital Management Co LLC in San Diego; Ludwig Brinckmann, MSc (Hamburg), creator of the website yunnanexplorer.com and explorer of the province's ethnic diversity; Philip Skehan, Ph.D. (Yale) Science Director of Andes Pharmaceuticals led important efforts at the National Cancer Institute to screen natural products (biodiversity) for anticancer properties; Ben Brown (Ph.D. Texas A&M) is a grassland ecologist and former Director of the Texas Natural Heritage Program.

在悼念: 小威廉·D·布莱尔 学士(普林斯顿大学),大自然保护协会前会长及主席。布莱尔的夫人珍在他去世之后,依然继续为自然遗产/保护决策中心的发展提供支持, 其中包括将我们的事业开拓到亚洲。威廉·D·罗杰斯 法学博士(耶鲁大学)曾任助理国务卿负责美洲地区国际事务。菲利普·齐萨姆 法学博士(耶鲁大学)硕士(麻省理工学院) 曾是任教堪萨斯州立大学的经济学家和法学教授,并曾服务于美国和平护卫队。. . . In memoriam: William D. Blair, Jr B.A. (Princeton), former President and Chairman of the Board of The Nature Conservancy; William D. Rogers, J.D.(Yale), former Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs; Philip Kissam, J.D. (Yale), M.A. (MIT) of the Univ. of Kansas, economist and professor of law who served with the Peace Corps.

Note on the header photograph: bee larvae and newly emerged bees served for dinner in a small restaurant on what is promoted sometimes as the Tea Horse Road, sometimes as the Southern Silk Road in Wenshengjie, a village outside Mizhi in Midu County, Yunnan.

Ou Xiaokun


Zhang Zhiming

Peng Shengjing

Sun Zhenhua





down arrow Advisory board pics below:

larry paul       Larry / Paul
diana mel       Diana / Mel
don       Alex W / Bob C
ben kim       Ben / Kim
ernest ludwig       Ernest / Ludwig

jane chonam
      Jane / Chonam