eye on bio owl bdc-name3

我们的任务 Mission

保护自然界的生物多样化。保护这些极为不受重视且岌岌可危的资源为这个世界带来更多积极影响的可能性。帮助项目参与者(策划人、商务人士、政府机构、 少数民族团体、各种组织、环保评论家、研究人员及其他)在推进项目时尽可能不对生物多样化带来损害且更有效的对其进行保护。 接触那些特别是由于信息缺失而被排除在外的少数民族团体,他们无法参与到决策和法律法规的制定。 增加人们的责任感。拓宽已有的保护网至新的地区并建立保护网络各成员之间的有效联系。防止对生物多样化的破坏,特别是那些由于对生物多样化重要性的无知所造成的破坏。 认识到在亚洲地区该网络在增加新的气候改变方面的数据和可持续利用方面的潜力。Preserve natural biological diversity. Secure the potential of the benefits contained in this vastly undervalued, imperiled resource. Aid stakeholders (planners, businesses, government agencies, minorities, organizations, environmental reviewers, researchers, and others) to pursue their activities with as little damage to biodiversity as feasible and to take positive steps towards conservation. Reach out especially to groups such as ethnic minorities effectively excluded from the decision-making, policy-setting process by lack of information. Increase accountability. Extend the existing network to new lands and build utilitarian bridges among network units. Prevent destruction, particularly destruction in ignorance, of the elements of biodiversity. Realize in Asia the network's potential to add new climate change data and perspectives on sustainable use.

我们的策略 Strategy

运用生物多样化保护中心创始人所打造的已有自然遗产保护项目和生物数据中心网络的理念、方法、规章制度及系统。 Utilize concepts, methods, protocols, and systems from the existing network of Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centres, the network which the founders of BDC created.


Using these concepts, methods, etc., identify those elements of biodiversity -- among the tens of thousands -- which are most vulnerable to extinction and document that vulnerability. In addition, locate exactly where the remaining examples of these elements occur on the landscape at a scale of precision usable, for example, by a governmental agency planning a new road, a business planning a new shopping center or solar array, or an ethnic minority seeking to protect its community resources.

生物多样化保护项目应最开始着眼于亚洲,该地区的语言障碍在过去曾给我们保护项目网络的拓宽带来很大的阻力。 Focus initially on Asia, where the difficulty of language has in the past prevented expansion of the existing network.

生物多样化保护项目应最开始着眼于中国。应该在中国生物多样化最为丰富的地区—云南省,建立自然遗产决策/保护数据中心。 Focus initially on China. Start by setting up a Natural Heritage Conservation Decision/Data Center in the country's most biologically diverse province, Yunnan province.

云南省还有着中国最多的少数民族群体,故而应该让他们了解并加入到我们的项目中,使其参与到与他们息息相关的决策制定中。Yunnan is also China's most ethnically diverse province, so inform and involve these groups and enable them to participate in decisions affecting them.

演示该系统在作为提供气候变化数据的新渠道和在可持续应用的决策方面的用处。 Demonstrate the capacity of the system to generate a new source of climate change data and to inform decisions on sustainable use.

从该系统建立时就沿用在北美已经取得巨大成效的策略,在专门机构、研究所和其他地方应用该系统,继而扩展到其他省份。 Once the system has been established -- in agencies, institutes, and elsewhere -- expand to other provinces, following the strategy used successfully in North America.

打造一个新的网络系统,供讲俄语的政府官员、环保人士和中亚地区的科学家使用。 Create a version of the network system usable by Russian-speaking officials, conservationists, and other scientists in Central Asia.

指导原则 Guiding principle

生物多样化保护组织的一个重要主张,其指导原则是一个绝对自下而上而非自上而下的保护举措。当地决策/数据中心服务于当地的互联网,通过运用共同的方法论将两者相结合,这种方式在进行物种保护时比仅依靠来源于国家或是某个国际组织的资助有效得多。国家和相关省份在其管辖范围内是生物多样化保护的决策关键。 One of the key things BDC stands for, its guiding principle, is the absolute necessity of a bottom-up approach rather than a top-down approach to conservation. Local decision/data centers serving local interests bound together into a network by using a shared methodology is a more effective approach to conservation than efforts confined to a national or international capital. States and provinces are the main decision points for biodiversity within their jurisdiction.

通过和相关机构、企业、少数民族群体、组织和其他机构合作将会取得最大的成效。运用全面、及时、具体的数据帮助了解所作出的决策是直接参与决策制定过程的方法,且能避免废除或更改已作出的决定的可能性。 Partnering with agencies, businesses, ethnic minorities, organizations and others at this level will have greatest effect. Bringing comprehensive, current, specific data to help inform decisions at this level is a way to enter into the decision-making process directly and to avoid the posture of always attempting to repeal or revise decisions already made.

carolina parakeet southern

Carolina parakeet by Audubon. Southern subspecies also by Audubon.

The last confirmed sighting in the wild of the Carolina Parakeet was in 1910; the last individual perished in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo in 1918.

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